Wednesday – July 27, 2022
The park is open! This snapshot (below) was taken 30 minutes before the Grand Opening.
Friday – June 3, 2022
Construction is nearly complete! Fence and gates are in, parking is paved and striped, grass is seeded and growing! Stay tuned for a grand opening sometime in July!

View to the south from the Small Dog area.

The grass is growing!
Tuesday – April 26, 2022
Work has started up again. Top soil spread, pea stone ready to go, paving the walkways is underway, shade structures are going up.

Paving the walkway in the Small Dog Area. The base of the Shade Structure is in the center of the loop.
Sunday – December 12, 2021
The ‘front curb’ is partially poured. This curb will be the foundation for the front fence posts – necessary to prevent penetration of the landfill cap. Topsoil and pea-stone have been delivered. Construction is now shut down until spring.

Looking south – entryway pad, bench pad, small shade structure pad. The large shade structure pad is hidden behind the piles of pea-stone.

The front curb will be the foundation for the front fence posts.

Looking north, with a bench pad in the foreground. The green boxes in the background are part of the irrigation system, and behind them is a large pile of topsoil.
Sunday – November 20, 2021
Fenceposts are in and the shade structure, bench, and entryway pads have been poured.

Sunday – September 12, 2021
The fill appears to be in and graded. Looking forward to the next steps…

Monday – August 9, 2021
The water line from the street was installed last week, and we are expecting a LOT of activity over the next few weeks.

Wednesday – December 16, 2020

The contractor has screened approximately 5000 cubic yards of fill (currently stockpiled in north Amherst) and has hauled and graded 1,325 cubic yards of fill to the site. Construction has shut down for the winter, but DPW will continue to work with the contractor during the winter to order all remaining materials – benches, fencing, shade structures, etc. Construction will resume in the spring as soon as conditions warrant.
Friday – November 6, 2020
Construction underway- wetlands protection fencing up and fill being trucked to the site. We are moving!

Wednesday – July 22, 2020

Groundbreaking ceremony! Here’s a link to the Gazette article. See if you can find Task Force members Ted, Ana, and Jim in the picture.